Six Journal Prompt Ideas For Your Yoni Steam Ritual


So you’re either

All set up for your yoni steam ritual and would like to journal your way through your steam.


Just had your ritual and now you’ve taken some time to rest, relax and absorb the benefits of the practice, for at least 30 minutes.

Here are some nuggets of inspiration to get you started in going deeper into reflecting on your experience. All of these are intended to inspire a free flow of writing, and to get you out of your head and into the wisdom of your womb, heart and body.

These can support you while or after you steam:

1. Free Write from the Womb and Heart

Take time to connect in with your heart and your womb space, placing a hand on both and take some deep breaths in and out. This is an opportunity to give a voice to your body and let her do the talking. Allow yourself to free write for 10 minutes or so on each of the following. Try not to think about it too much, simply let your pen flow on to the page and don’t stop for 10 minutes.

  • Reflect from your heart about any emotions, sensations, visuals, memories that are arising for you.

  • Reflect from your womb about anything that is coming up for you and your whole body, what is your body’s wisdom trying to communicate with you?

2. Questions to ask yourself to release the old and invite in the new

  • Where in my life do I need to make space? What is feeling ‘too much’ for me right now? Which part of me could do with some more attention? What patterns am I playing out that are no longer serving me? Where could I drop what I am holding to?

  • Which new ways of being do I want to incorporate into my life? What are my core values that I wish to live my life from? What wants to be created? How can I tend to my needs more attentively? What would fill up my cup right now?

These are best to write once you’ve steamed and rested, or you could even try beforehand to drop into conversation with your womb.

3. Let your Womb tell her story

Just as if you were meeting an old friend for the first time in a long while… greet your womb with open arms. Give her a little hug with your two hands. Invite her in to your heart for a cup of tea. Sit comfortably, and ask her about herself and her life… Listen compassionately and write as if this were a script and the characters were You: asking questions and Womb: sharing her life story up until now.

How have you been? What’s been going on for you? What’s news? What big changes have taken place? What is still going on for you?  What are your plans for the future? You can let any other questions that come to you lead the rest of the way.

Find your own way to acknowledge this information - perhaps you place a friendly hand on her shoulder, give her another hug, extend some sincere moments of love in whatever way feels right for you. Ask if there’s any more she wants to share, any questions she has for you. Thank her for taking this time to be open, honest and trusting and make plans to keep in touch and catch up for tea more often

4. Write a letter, a pledge of allegiance, a Wombanifeso

Write a piece to your womb about how you intend to love, cherish and honour her from this point on, focus it in the present and in the future and truly feel into what it would be like to live this consistent loving and respectful relationship with yourself and your womb space.

Eg. ‘Dear Beautiful Womb, from this day, I vow to connect with you every single day. As soon as I wake up and just before I go to sleep, I will check in with you, offer you gratitude for all that you support me with and give you space to express any emotions or energy that are moving through you. From this day, I vow to communicate with you regularly on any big decisions in my life, as I know that you are my intuitive guiding point, my inner wise woman. I know that you are showing me how to stand in my power and to get my needs met by myself and the world around me. I vow to treat you with delicious foods and regular self care practices where you feel warm, settled, alive….’

5. Waterfall of Gratitude

write ‘I love being a woman because…’ and let the rest flow.

Eg. ‘I love being a woman because…’

I love having a moving, changing, ebbing and flowing tapestry of emotions

I love the well of wisdom that resides within me

I love my capacity to feel, to allow, to receive…

6. Dream Seeds, Intentions & Affirmations

tap into your womb and heart and ask them

‘What am I calling in? What are my dreams, desires and visions for how I wish to show up fully for myself from this point on? Keep these focused in the present so they feel tangible and real to you in this moment and something that you feel truly capable of achieving. If you feel a little shiver or are shaking a little as you write, you KNOW this holds weight and power of your unique design coming through!


I am healing the parts of me that have before felt numb, unknowing and lost. I step forward into my future with full trust that I am doing the best I can to show up for myself with love and compassion.

I embrace my creativity, passion and drive, fuelling my dreams and desires with love and commitment.

I wholeheartedly commit to my health, strength and mental focus.

I express gratitude for all of the gifts that come my way and know that everything is as it should be.

I truly hope these bring you some beautiful moments of reflection and ‘a-ha’ moments that support you in your womb connection journey. Feel free to share with me how you go with them!

Lots of love,

